by curtrem | Feb 11, 2015 | Book Review, Healing, Meditations, Spiritual
Wendy Kennedy and Tom Kenyon co-wrote this inspirational book, The Great Human Potential, based on information channeled from two advanced alien civilizations, the Pleiadians and the Hathors. The book also contains some wonderful meditation exercises that you’ll find...
by curtrem | Dec 9, 2014 | Healing
by Curt Remington, author of Simple Meditation When it comes to health and healing practices, a lot of terms get tossed around, like holistic, Western medicine, complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM), and integrative medicine. You may wonder, what do all these...
by curtrem | Dec 2, 2014 | Healing
by Ralph Havens of Ralph Havens Physical Therapy Matrix Energetics encompasses a new state of mind, a new way of looking at the world we live and breathe in, and a new way of reaching out to new possibilities, a...